
Want to bring one of my workshops into your space?

i’d love to work together to bring my workshops to your space, organization, or group. we’ll work together to tailor the workshop to your needs. just send me an email at!

i also run workshops throughout the year, both IRL and URL. if you’re looking for a previously recorded webinar, please go to my shop. and if you’d like to see if i have anything coming up, click here for my events calender.

beyond conflict: moving towards accountability

Conflict is totally normal and it can be productive and necessary for growth! But conflict can also be destructive, especially when it escalates. These workshops offer a trauma-informed, anti-oppressive approach to preventing, de-escalating, and resolving conflicts. Each workshop includes case studies and activities geared towards the particular needs of your group or organization. They are intended to be taken in succession, but if you’ve taken similar workshops in the past then choose which workshop works best for you.

Past clients include:

  • Slack

  • Toronto Public Library’s Youth Hub Program

  • Black Academic Success and Engagement at Humber College

  • Bi-Arts Festival

  • Shameless Magazine

  • The People’s Pantry Toronto

  • The Bows Gallery

  • Western University’s Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children

  • The 519

  • Make Lemonade Co-Working Space.Fashion Your Identity

  • Voice of Today: National Youth Poetry Slam Festival

  • The University of Toronto

  • Critical Femininities Conference