Softcore Trauma Community Discord

time and time again i’ve had folks who follow me on instagram share just how hard it is to find other humans who understand their lived experience with trauma. this yearning for others who see us and understand us makes so much sense. we were never meant to do the work of healing on our own. but we live in a world that prizes individualism and promotes isolation and disconnection. this way of being is at odds with our biology: we’re literally hardwired for connection.

as someone who has been grateful to find community with other trauma babes both IRL and online, i wanted to create a space where other trauma-informed humans could gather, connect, share resources, be witnessed, and build community with each other. enter the softcore trauma community discord.

The perks:

  • with over 500 members, there are so many different opportunities to build community in this space. we have location channels to help you connect with folks who live close to you. there are regular monthly events (see below for more), various body-doubling channels for folks who like to work with the digital presence of others, and affinity groups to help you find your humans.

  • every month, i host two events: a live q&a and “craft and cry.” during the live q&as, I respond to your questions, with folks being given the opportunity to submit anonymously to the google form, or speak their question in the zoom space. we’ll have regular special guests coming in to talk about everything ranging from healing after an abusive relationship, decolonizing recovery, reparenting our inner children, and more!

    for the Craft and Cry, you’re invited to bring whatever arts or crafts project you’re working on, or download the collage kit i provide, and spend time together making art. at the end of our time, folks are invited to share what they worked on and the last time they cried. 

    we’ve also got a monthly book club called “better worlds,” where we discuss a book that helps us imagine and create the worlds we dream of. and folks have also created a book club for reading bell hooks’ teaching to transgress.

  • we’ve got 40+ different “channels” (think of it like a little digital room) based off of different topics, including: celebration corner, grief space, intimacy and relationships, money stuff, therapy, and vent space. in these channels, you can share what’s going on in your life and in your healing journey, and receive support from other trauma bbs. there are also different channels to share pet pictures, give recommendations for music, podcast, television, and movie recommendations, and share anything from your fav memes and tiktoks to resources that have supported you. 

Take a tour of the server: