intimacy for trauma bbs

An 8-week long peer support group for folks living with trauma who’re committed to fostering the forms of intimacy they dream of.

The Nitty Gritty

When: Wednesdays, 11am-1pm MDT OR 3:30-5:30pm MDT (you will select ONE of the two times and will stay in that group each week)

Starting: Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Dates: April 5, 12, 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

  • In Intimacy for Trauma BBs twenty of us will meet once a week across eight weeks to learn more about the ways in which trauma impacts how we show up in our intimate relationships (which can include, but is not limited to: friends, family, romantic partners, and sexual connections). We won’t just focus on the challenges, but we’ll celebrate the different ways in which trauma helps us see that the forms of intimacy we’ve inherited need to change. 

    Each week there’ll be either assigned readings for us to discuss or reflection questions for you to respond to prior to our session (PDFs of the readings will be available for folks who don’t have the books). You can still attend the meetings regardless of whether you’ve done the readings. As the facilitator, I’ll bring prompts for discussion to each session, but will defer to the directions that the group wants to take. These sessions will involve reflection questions and small and large group discussions, honouring and centering the wisdom of folks in the room. For small group discussions, folks will be given the option to join an affinity group (BIPOC, queer, trans/nonbinary, survivors, disabled/neurodivergent).

    One of the main goals of this offering is to foster community with other trauma BBs. To support you in building these connections, there’ll be a Discord Server where you can connect in between sessions – and beyond.

    • You have some understanding of how trauma shows up in your body and the impact of trauma on the nervous system.

      • If you’ve attended any of my webinars, you’ll be good to go.

    • You’ve been thinking about how trauma shows up in your relationships, but want to do a deeper dive into this landscape.

    • You’re interested in building community with other trauma bbs and are excited by a peer support model.

    • You’re committed to showing up each week, recognizing that peer support groups are made magical by your presence.

    what this group isn't:

    A therapeutic container for processing trauma. Of course your lived experience will come up during our sessions together. My hope is that you’ll focus on your current struggles and successes, and that this group can be a place where you can feel the support of other humans who’re on a similar journey.

  • Please note: this is the schedule from last session. It may change once I have received evaluations from participants.

    • Prior to each session, you’ll review my Cliffs Notes of the readings, which will be uploaded to the Discord Server. Our sessions will begin with reflection questions and/or an exercise and then you’ll move into breakout groups for 30mins. We’ll come back together to share our reflections and for a Q&A. There will then be an additional 20-30 minutes allotted for you to rejoin your breakout group and continue the conversation.

      Please note: These sessions will not be recorded, so it’s important that folks commit to attending.

  • Week 1: The Neuroscience of Connection

    • Readings: Nurturing Resilience by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell, Chapter 1: The Cornerstones of Relational Development; and Chapter 4: The Neural Platforms for Regulation and Connectedness (total pages 26)

    Week 2: Intro to Attachment Theory

    • Readings: Polysecure by Jessica Fern, Chapter 1: An Overview of Attachment Theory; and Chapter 3: The Nested Model of Attachment and Trauma (total pages 68)

    Week 3: Diving Into Our Attachment Styles

    • Readings: none; reflection exercise to be completed before meeting

    Week 4: Determining Our Relational Boundaries

    • Readings: Unf*ck Your Boundaries by Faith G. Harper, Chapter 1: What are Boundaries? (total pages 17) 

    Week 5: Building Secure Attachment With Others

    • Readings: Polysecure by Jessica Fern, Chapter 7: The Foundations of Being Polysecure in Your Relationships; and Chapter 8: The HEARTS of Being Polysecure in Your Relationships (total pages 35)

    Week 6: Building Secure Attachment With Self

    • Readings: Polysecure by Jessica Fern, Chapter 9: The S in HEARTS–Secure Attachment With Self (total pages 31)

    Week 7: Reparenting Our Inner Little Ones

    • Readings TBD

    Week 8: Wrapping Up & Moving Forward

  • If you are in the US, you will pay the fee in US dollars. If you are in Canada, you will pay in Canadian dollars. If you are abroad, you will pay in your currency. Please note that payment plans are available (see application for more details).

    • BIPOC Full Scholarship: 5 available. These spots are reserved for folks who couldn’t attend this offering otherwise.

    • BIPOC Partial Scholarship $250: These spots are for folks who could afford to attend without a full scholarship.

    • $320: For those who’re low income, no savings, have minimal expendable income each month, and couldn't otherwise afford to attend without this option.

    • $480: For those who’re mid-income, with some money in savings and/or financial support from family; have some expendable income each month.

    • $640: For those who’re high-income, with a savings account and financial safety net; can afford to take vacations and make other large purchases with ease.

    • $920: For those who're high income/stably employed and/or have had access to intergenerational wealth, and who want to help support me in making low cost spots and scholarships available.

Applications close March 12th at 11:59pm MST
Applicants will be notified by March 24th at the latest